39th Annual NC Seafood Festival
October 3 - 5, 2024
Deadline July 15th
Over the past 38 years, The NC Seafood Festival (NCSF) has had the privilege to partner with Carteret County nonprofit groups who have volunteered their time to work certain aspects of the Festival in exchange for the organization sharing part of the Festival’s net profits for these aspects in the form of a commission. The Board of Directors recognizes the importance of our volunteer groups and understands that it would not be impossible to produce the largest event in Eastern North Carolina without the assistance of our valued partners.
Unfortunately, the number of nonprofit groups requesting to partner with the Festival is greater than our available positions. Because of this, the Festival has enacted a lottery system for all groups that have formally requested to volunteer. The lottery will choose groups to work the soda, product (apparel sales), and ride ticket booths. A commission of the net combined profits from all three areas will be divided equally between the groups chosen.
In addition, there is a lottery for the beer booths. Because there are specific age and training requirements, the commission for the beer booths is divided equally between the groups chosen to work them.
Each group chosen from the lottery will be asked to sign a document which states that a copy of the Festival’s Rules & Regulations and Code of Ethics have been reviewed and that their group will abide by the regulations set forth by the Festival.
If your nonprofit group is interested in being included in the lottery, please complete either this form or the online form and submit it not later than July 15th. The lottery will be conducted immediately after this date.
Please review the below information outlining each volunteer category and indicate which category you would like to be considered for in the lottery. If you want to be considered for more than one category, please list your preference beginning with your top choice. In an effort to accommodate as many requests as possible, only one category will be awarded per group.
As always, please do not hesitate to call us at (252) 726-6273 or email to fun@ncseafoodfestival.org if you have any questions.